
How to Create Laravel 7 API

  • 22 lessons
  • 1 h 39 min

The full course is available only for premium members.

About this course

NOTICE. We have a newer updated text-based course on this topic: How to Build Laravel 10 API From Scratch

Everyone now is searching for API developers, just look at the Laravel jobs or freelance offers.

Create API Course 01

So, in this course, you will learn how create APIs with Laravel framework.

What exactly you will learn:

  • How to create Laravel RESTful API: requests with GET/POST, API Resources, Validation etc
  • How to authorize API users: with Sanctum or Passport
  • How to use Postman to work with API requests
  • How to generate API documentation: with Scribe or OpenAPI/Swagger
  • Various small tips and tricks

Create API Course 02

Student testimonials:

Create API Course 03

Create API Course 04

Create API Course 05

Create API Course 06

Notice: What this course is NOT about:

  • It's not a Laravel for beginners course. I assume you are already are a Laravel developer and want to apply your skills for API projects specifically.
  • It's not a SPA or Vue.js course. I will demonstrate some front-end Vue to consume Laravel API, but won't create full SPA throughout this course, I have other courses on that.