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Practical Laravel Queues on Live Server

  • 7 lessons
  • 42 min read

The full course is available only for premium members.

About this course

The topic of Laravel queues consists of two sub-topics: writing code and setting up the queue on the server. Over the years, I've seen too many courses focused on the first part and too few on the second part.

So, in this course, we will show how to set up the queue mechanism on a typical live Linux server.

We will start from a typical simple example on a local machine, with a database driver and queue worker, but then go much deeper, with topics like:

  • Queue workers and Supervisor to auto-restart them
  • Redis
  • Laravel Horizon
  • Amazon SQS driver
  • Laravel Forge for Queues
  • How to handle failed jobs
  • How to scale workers if needed
  • ...and more.

Keep in mind that this course covers the most typical scenarios but is not "the ultimate guide", so if you have specific questions for your specific scenarios with the queues, feel free to ask them in the comments, and we may expand this course with answers.

Testimonial from one of the students on Twitter:

So, let's get to our first lesson!