
Laravel Reverb: Four "Live" Practical Examples

  • 5 lessons
  • 43 min read

The full course is available only for premium members.

About this course

Laravel Reverb is one of the newest first-party packages from the Laravel team. It's a real-time messaging system that allows us to listen to back-end events and react to them on the front-end.

Here are a few examples of what we can do with Reverb:

  • Build real-time notifications about new messages, comments, reports, or system events.
  • Build real-time chat applications.
  • Build real-time dashboards with live data.
  • Inform users about changes in the system, such as new products, reports, etc.
  • Create presence systems to show who is online and who is not.
  • And many more...

I'm a big fan of learning in a practical way. So, in this course, we will show four real-life examples of creating Events and listening to them with Laravel Reverb and Echo.

All projects are explained in detail, with a lot of screenshots and links to the repositories on GitHub.

So, ready to dive into practical tutorials?