
Laravel Reverb: Four "Live" Practical Examples

Anonymous Broadcasting in Laravel 11.5

Laravel 11.5 has just been released, and it added anonymous broadcasting. What is it? Let's take a look.

This message is triggered by a private anonymous event, so let's see how it's done.

Global Anonymous Events

We want to start by re-creating our first example from the previous lesson—a global event that will inform all users about system maintenance. We will use the same event and channel, but this time, we will make it anonymous.

To create a channel for this, we will modify the routes/channels.php file:

// ...
Broadcast::channel('system-maintenance', function () {
// Public Channel

Then, we want to create a new command to trigger this event:

php artisan make:command SystemNotifyMaintenanceCommand

And modify the command file:


use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Broadcast;
class SystemNotifyMaintenanceCommand extends Command
protected $signature = 'system:notify-maintenance';
protected $description = 'Command description';
public function handle(): void
$time = $this->ask('When should it happen?');
'time' => $time

Next, we will add a...

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