
React.js + Inertia in Laravel 11: From Scratch

What's Inside The Course

Summary of this lesson:
- Build CRUD demo project with Inertia
- Create single-page application
- Implement authentication and authorization
- Cover React and Laravel integration

Welcome to this introductory course about Inertia.js for React.js and Laravel. We will create a typical CRUD demo project using Inertia.

Here's the plan of what we will do:

  • We will introduce Inertia and a single-page Application (SPA), so you will understand why you need It.

  • We build the table of data.

  • We will add links with Single Page Application (SPA) to show how it all works between the pages with Inertia links.

  • Separate layouts, for guest and authenticated users.

  • Build forms and see how they work by building a full CRUD.

  • We will work on authentication and authorization.

After finishing this course, you will be prepared to create simple applications with Inertia, and from there, the sky is your limit.

The repository will be available on GitHub to check out the code.

Notice: This course is not about React or Laravel from scratch, I expect you to have knowledge about how those work. I will talk about Inertia and how to tie React/Laravel together more conveniently, with the help of Inertia.

Enough of a short intro. Now, let's dive into the actual course.

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