[Need Opinion] Idea: Laravel adminpanel-generator as a service?

This article is a personal one from me and I really need your opinion on this idea. Would be grateful for any feedback in the comments, on Twitter or email povilas@laraveldaily.com. So, in short, does the market need QuickAdmin in SaaS version? Inspired by all the hype about new Laravel Spark and its success so far (or so it seems), I started thinking about SaaS possibilities myself. And it aligned with my old idea to make something bigger out of our package called QuickAdmin - at first we used it internally, then released as a Laravel package, and now it might be the time to build something bigger out of it. So the idea: what if you could generate adminpanel for your next project in the cloud? QuickAdmin Imagine the scenario:
  1. You go to some QuickAdmin URL, register and create your own adminpanel, adding the structure, fields etc. Everything is web-based, so only forms and fields, no coding required (see above)
  2. You then could customize the adminpanel and test it directly in the cloud - a new instance of adminpanel could be created on our servers
  3. You can always view the structure as generated Laravel files, so the PHP source would be visible on our end
  4. But if you want to DOWNLOAD the adminpanel for your own real usage - then you would have to pay for it. Not much, something like 9 USD or 19 USD. I imagine it as a full Laravel project downloadable as a zip file - and then you would have to just unzip it, run composer install and artisan migrate commands.
In essence, that's all. What do you think about this idea - would that be a viable business? As Spark saves you days/weeks of coding, so would QuickAdmin web-version. And if we can generate money from this, then we're able to:
  • Make constant updates on the open-source version or even go full-time on it
  • Support different Laravel versions - 5.1, 5.2, 5.x
  • (Challenging, but) Generate adminpanel for your existing project if you upload your DB structure
  • Add multi-language possibility
  • Make a REST API generator for the same DB tables
  • Add more different front-end themes and more visual customizations
And before you ask - yes, I know there are adminpanel-packages already on the market, but they all seem a little outdated or semi-abandoned and slowly updated. And if we have that as a SERVICE for developers, I believe there's a bright future. What do you think? Worth the time? Would you pay for it yourself? Want to ask you guys before starting coding anything - that's a lesson I've learnt the hard way: too many times I was pursuing the idea as a shiny object before actually finding real customers for it. People who would actually pay. So in this case - changing the plan and going for the market research first. Looking forward to your help and opinions - thanks a lot!

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