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Demo Project: Laravel Simple CRM

This is a demo Laravel project aimed at junior developers to practice their skills. This is a task for the Beginner Level of the Laravel Roadmap, with the goal to implement as many of its topics as possible. This article contains both the task and its possible solution, with the repository link at the end.

First, I provide the task description, as it would appear on any job board like Upwork, from the client. I hope that you would take this description and try to create the project yourself, but then, later, you may take a look at our prepared repository, with comments, in the second half of this article.

The Task: Simple CRM System for Managing Clients

You should create an adminpanel-like system to manage Clients, Projects, Tasks with CRUD operations.

A few screenshots from the example solution:

CRM Demo 1

CRM Demo 1

You can come up with whatever structure of the database tables you want, but please try to use all the Laravel features listed below.

Features to implement

Here's the list of Roadmap features you need to try to implement in your code:

Routing Advanced

  • Route Model Binding in Resource Controllers
  • Route Redirect - homepage should automatically redirect to the login form

Database Advanced

  • Database Seeders and Factories - to automatically create first clients/projects/tasks and default users
  • Eloquent Query Scopes - show only active clients, for example
  • Polymorphic relationships with Spatie Media Library package
  • Eloquent Accessors and Mutators - view all date values in m/d/Y format
  • Soft Deletes on any Eloquent models

Auth Advanced

  • Authorization: Roles/Permissions (admin and simple users), Gates, Policies with Spatie Permissions package
  • Authentication: Email Verification

API Basics

  • API Routes and Controllers
  • API Eloquent Resources
  • API Auth with Sanctum
  • Override API Error Handling and Status Codes

Debugging Errors

  • Try-Catch and Laravel Exceptions
  • Customizing Error Pages

Sending Email

  • Mailables and Mail Facade
  • Notifications System: Email


  • Automated Tests for CRUD Operations

Example Solution

If you need help, or you want to compare your version with our simple version, here's the public repository with a possible solution.

Notice: please look at that repository only AFTER you've accomplished the task yourself, or if you're confident about your Laravel Advanced Beginner skills and you think you don't need to practice this task.

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