Eloquent Foreign Keys: 3 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Adding foreign keys can sometimes be tricky. You might get an error message or see that it doesn't work as expected.

There are 3 common mistakes that we see developers make when adding foreign keys to their databases:

  • Forgetting to add Constraints
  • Adding new Foreign Keys Without Proper Default Data
  • Allowing to Delete Parent Records when Child Record Exists

Let's see those mistakes and how to fix them!

Mistake 1: Forgetting to add Constraints

Database constraints are a valuable feature we should not ignore. They help us protect from missing related records in our database.

Let's build a basic example here:


// Create Categories table
Schema::create('categories', function (Blueprint $table) {
// Create a child Questions table with a relationship to the parent Categories table
Schema::create('questions', function (Blueprint $table) {

You might think that we are good to go here. However, we are not. It allows us to create new Questions with a category that doesn't exist:

$question = Question::create([
'category_id' => 155,
'question' => 'How to use Laravel?',
'answer' => 'You can use Laravel by following the documentation',

And this will work perfectly fine. Why? Because we don't tell our database to check for the category id.

We have 0 categories in our database, but we can still create a new Question with category id 155. It is not good. Let's fix it!


// ...
// Create a child Questions table with a relationship to the parent Categories table
Schema::create('questions', function (Blueprint $table) {

When we try to run the same code of Question::create(), we get an error...

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