Filament Infolist: Custom Entry with "Show More" Button

Filament 3 Infolist feature has a few entry types like TextEntry and others. But what if you need something custom? In this tutorial, we will create a custom Infolist entry to add a Show more/Show less button.

This is based on a question from our YouTube channel.

In this example, we have a Post Model with a title and a body.

First, we must create a custom infolist class.

php artisan make:infolist-layout PostBody

Now, we can call the newly created infolist entry in the Filament Resource infolist method.

use App\Infolists\Components\PostBody;
use Filament\Infolists\Components\TextEntry;
class PostResource extends Resource
// ...
public static function infolist(Infolist $infolist): Infolist
return $infolist
// ...

We can use the {{ $getState() }} in the view file to access the current state. Using Alpine.js, we can now add a button to show or hide trimmed text. Also, using Alpine.js, we will trim the text.


<x-dynamic-component :component="$getEntryWrapperView()" :entry="$entry">
<div x-data="{ isCollapsed: false, maxLength: 20, originalContent: '', content: '' }"
x-init="originalContent = @js($getState()); content = originalContent.slice(0, maxLength) + '...'"
<span x-text="isCollapsed ? originalContent : content"></span>
@click="isCollapsed = !isCollapsed"
x-show="originalContent.length > maxLength"
x-text="isCollapsed ? 'Show less' : 'Show more'"

The view page shows our created custom infolist entry for a post body with a working Show more/Show less button.

We can also make the length of a text configurable. We must add a protected property in the PostBody infolist entry. We will call it $maxLength, and two public methods, maxLength, and getMaxLength.


class PostBody extends Entry
protected string $view = '';
protected int | \Closure | null $maxLength = 20;
public function maxLength(int | \Closure | null $maxLength): static
$this->maxLength = $maxLength;
return $this;
public function getMaxLength(): ?int
return $this->evaluate($this->maxLength);

Now, we can call the maxLength method in the resource when using the PostBody entry.

class PostResource extends Resource
// ...
public static function infolist(Infolist $infolist): Infolist
return $infolist
// ...

In the view file, we must change the hard-coded maxLength value to use provided. We need to use the $getMaxLength() to get this value.


<x-dynamic-component :component="$getEntryWrapperView()" :entry="$entry">
<div x-data="{ isCollapsed: false, maxLength: 20, originalContent: '', content: '' }"
<div x-data="{ isCollapsed: false, maxLength: @js($getMaxLength()), originalContent: '', content: '' }"
x-init="originalContent = @js($getState()); content = originalContent.slice(0, maxLength) + '...'"
<span x-text="isCollapsed ? originalContent : content"></span>
@click="isCollapsed = !isCollapsed"
x-show="originalContent.length > maxLength"
x-text="isCollapsed ? 'Show less' : 'Show more'"

As you can see, the text is longer now.

The full source code is available in this GitHub repository.

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