When working on Filament forms - you might have used suffixes and prefixes. But did you know that they can be dynamic? For example, you can switch suffixes/prefixes dynamically based on a selection. Let's see how to do that!
In our example, we will make dynamic suffixes/prefixes auto-change based on our invoice currency. So first, we need a currency selection:
// ... Forms\Components\Select::make('currency') ->options([ 'usd' => 'USD', 'eur' => 'EUR', 'gbp' => 'GBP', ]) ->default('usd') // We need this field to trigger a livewire update on the change ->live() // ...
Next, we need a field that will be dynamic. In our case, this will be subtotal and total fields:
// ... Forms\Components\Select::make('currency') ->options([ 'usd' => 'USD', 'eur' => 'EUR', 'gbp' => 'GBP', ]) ->default('usd') // We need this field to trigger a livewire update on the change ->live() Forms\Components\TextInput::make('subtotal') ->prefix(function (Get $get) { return match ($get('currency')) { 'usd' => '$', 'gbp' => '£', default => null }; }) ->suffix(function (Get $get) { return match ($get('currency')) { 'eur' => '€', default => null, }; }),Forms\Components\TextInput::make('total') ->prefix(function (Get $get) { return match ($get('currency')) { 'usd' => '$', 'gbp' => '£', default => null }; }) ->suffix(function (Get $get) { return match ($get('currency')) { 'eur' => '€', default => null, }; }) // ...
Now, if we open up the page, we can see that changing our currency will change the prefix/suffix of our fields:
For USD:
For EUR:
For GBP:
This is achieved due to these things:
- Our Currency field is set to be dynamic
- Our prefix and suffix use php
to check what we need to display based on the select - It used a clever rule where
is counted as no prefix/suffix, so we can switch them dynamically
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