If you moved from Laravel 4 to version 5 or 5.x - you will miss an Artisan command artisan tail for your log viewing. How to get it back? Luckily, there's a package for that.
If you run artisan tail on those newer versions, you will get something like this:
To fix that - use a package spatie/laravel-tail created by Freek Van der Herten, better known as Spatie.
Simply add that to composer.json and run composer update:
"spatie/laravel-tail": "1.1.*"
(latest version at the moment is 1.1.1)
Then - add this line to config/app.php file - to providers array:
And that's it - artisan tail will work again like a charm!
By the way, I recommend Freek's personal blog - a lot of useful tips on Laravel and PHP in general: Murze.be
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