1. October CMS
URL: https://octobercms.com/ GitHub: https://github.com/octobercms/october By far the most popular Laravel-based CMS on the market. And it deserves the popularity - from the CMSs I've tested this was the only one fully-production-ready: documentation, ease of use, plugins, themes, just take it and use it. The first pleasant thing is a web-based installation process, which allows even to choose from three installation options: blank, theme or ready-made.

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2. Asgard CMS
URL: https://asgardcms.com/ GitHub: project - https://github.com/AsgardCms and core platform - https://github.com/AsgardCms/Platform Relatively new project, started in 2015, but already really strong. But this CMS is aimed more at developers, even install should be done from command line.- First you can get the code using the following command:
composer create-project asgardcms/platform your-project-name
- Finally, run the install command to get you started:
php artisan asgard:install
- Done! Enjoy your freshly installed website. You can login to the back by going to the /backend URI.

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3. Lavalite
URL: http://www.lavalite.org/ GitHub: https://github.com/LavaLite/cms Also a developer-focused project with impressive Laravel 5.2 version and typical command-line install:- composer create-project LavaLite/cms --prefer-dist website
- Enter your database details in .env file on root folder.
- Run php artisan migrate --seed to setup your database.

And now we move to contestants which are not production-ready or I had troubles using, but still makes sense to review them.
4. PyroCMS
URL: https://pyrocms.com/ GitHub: https://github.com/pyrocms/pyrocms This one has an interesting history - it was re-built from CodeIgniter (PyroCMS versions up to 2.x) to Laravel (version 3.x), with latter having a new main committer and still in beta. Maybe that's why installation wasn't successful for me - here are the screenshots. Visual installer, cool:
5. TypiCMS
URL: http://typicms.org/ GitHub: https://github.com/TypiCMS/Base This one is totally for developers. All the information and documentation is directly on GitHub. It seems like there was a separate Laravel 4 version of this CMS, and now it's migrating to 5.2 (not 5.1 or 5.0, sounds impressive!). I succeeded at installing the system, but since I was testing on my Windows machine with XAMPP and TypiCMS requires Node.js and Gulp - I didn't succeed at compiling front-end stuff. This is how it looked:

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