If you want to enable maintenance mode on your page, execute the down Artisan command:
php artisan down
Then people would see default 503 status page.
You may also provide flags, in Laravel 8:
- the path the user should be redirected to
- the view that should be prerendered
- secret phrase to bypass maintenance mode
- retry page reload every X seconds
php artisan down --redirect="/" --render="errors::503" --secret="1630542a-246b-4b66-afa1-dd72a4c43515" --retry=60
Before Laravel 8:
- message that would be shown
- retry page reload every X seconds
- still allow the access to some IP address
php artisan down --message="Upgrading Database" --retry=60 --allow=
When you've done the maintenance work, just run:
php artisan up