Use Redis to track page views

Tracking something like page views with MySQL can be quite a performance hit when dealing with high traffic. Redis is much better at this. You can use Redis and a scheduled command to keep MySQL in sync on a fixed interval.

Route::get('{project:slug', function (Project $project) {
// Instead of $project->increment('views') we use Redis
// We group the views by the project id
Redis::hincrby('project-views', $project->id, 1);
// Console/Kernel.php
// Console/Commands/UpdateProjectViews.php
// Get all views from our Redis instance
$views = Redis::hgetall('project-views');
(id) => (views)
1 => 213,
2 => 100,
3 => 341
// Loop through all project views
foreach ($views as $projectId => $projectViews) {
// Increment the project views on our MySQL table
Project::find($projectId)->increment('views', $projectViews);
// Delete all the views from our Redis instance

Tip given by @Philo01

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