Get the newest (or oldest) item of another relation
Add where statement to Many-to-Many relation
OrderBy on Eloquent relationships
Conditional relationships
Raw DB Queries: havingRaw()
Eloquent has() deeper
Has Many. How many exactly?
Default model
Use hasMany to create Many
Multi level Eager Loading
Eager Loading with Exact Columns
Touch parent updated_at easily
Always Check if Relationship Exists
Use withCount() to Calculate Child Relationships Records
Extra Filter Query on Relationships
Load Relationships Always, but Dynamically
Instead of belongsTo, use hasMany
Rename Pivot Table
Update Parent in One Line
Laravel 7+ Foreign Keys
Combine "whereHas" with "orDoesntHave"
Check if Relationship Method Exists
Pivot Table with Extra Relations
Load Count on-the-fly
Randomize Relationship Order
Filter hasMany relationships
Filter by many-to-many relationship pivot column
A shorter way to write whereHas
You can add conditions to your relationships
New `whereBelongsTo()` Eloquent query builder method
The `is()` method of one-to-one relationships for comparing models
`whereHas()` multiple connections
Update an existing pivot record
Relation that will get the newest (or oldest) item
Replace your custom queries with ofMany
Avoid data leakage when using orWhere on a relationship