
Laravel 11 Multi-Tenancy: All You Need To Know

  • 22 lessons
  • 17464 words

This content is available only for premium members.

About this course

Multi-tenancy is needed in almost all Laravel projects, in various forms. Some projects limit records by users, others divide users into teams, companies, or tenants. More complex projects separate the data into databases, subdomains, and filesystems.

In this course, I want to talk about ALL of that. I've seen multi-tenancy discussed a lot in the Laravel community, but mostly one-sided: only about one behavior, with one certain package or without any package at all. So I decided to compile all different methodologies about multi-tenancy, in this 2.5-hour course.

We will discuss:

  • User multi-tenancy
  • Team multi-tenancy
  • Single Database
  • Multiple Databases
  • 4 Different Packages
  • ... and many more details


Multi-tenancy course testimonial

So, let's dive into the course?