
How to Build Laravel 11 API From Scratch

Versioning your API: from V1 to V2 and Beyond

Summary of this lesson:
- Implementing API versioning
- Organizing controllers and routes by version
- Managing different API versions simultaneously

If you are working on a project long enough, you will need versioning at some point. If you have used any APIs like Stripe or Facebook, they have version numbers. Knowing which version you use is essential because it may be a part of the URL endpoint or some parameter. So, how do you implement versioning in your project?

Until now, we had endpoint /api/categories without any version. Let's create version two, a copy of version one.

To do that, first, let's move the existing API to version one. Create an app\Http\Controllers\Api\V1 directory and move CategoryController and ProductController inside it. Change the namespace in both Controllers.

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api;
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api\V1;
// ...

Next, change the Controller path in the routes/api.php.


Route::get('/user', function (Request $request) {
return $request->user();
Route::apiResource('categories', \App\Http\Controllers\Api\CategoryController::class)
Route::apiResource('categories', \App\Http\Controllers\Api\V1\CategoryController::class)
Route::get('products', [\App\Http\Controllers\Api\ProductController::class, 'index']);
Route::get('products', [\App\Http\Controllers\Api\V1\ProductController::class, 'index']);

Last, we must change the prefix from /api to /api/v1. Routes are configured in the...

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