
Larastan: Catch Bugs with Static Analysis

In this example, we'll dive deeper into Parameter Types and Return Types. Let's see what we'll be working with here:

Our codebase that we'll check:


namespace App\Services;
use App\Models\Transaction;
use Carbon\Carbon;
class ClientReportsService
public function getReport($request)
$query = Transaction::with('project')
->orderBy('transaction_date', 'desc');
if ($request->has('project')) {
$query->where('project_id', $request->input('project'));
$transactions = $query->get();
$entries = [];
foreach ($transactions as $row) {
$date = Carbon::createFromFormat(config('panel.date_format'), $row->transaction_date)->format('Y-m');
if (!isset($entries[$date])) {
$entries[$date] = [];
$currency = $row->currency->code;
if (!isset($entries[$date][$currency])) {
$entries[$date][$currency] = [
'income' => 0,
'expenses' => 0,
'fees' => 0,
'total' => 0,
$income = 0;
$expenses = 0;
$fees = 0;
if ($row->amount > 0) {
$income += $row->amount;
} else {
$expenses += $row->amount;
if (!is_null($row->income_source->fee_percent)) {
$fees = $row->amount * ($row->income_source->fee_percent / 100);
$total = $income + $expenses - $fees;
$entries[$date][$currency]['income'] += $income;
$entries[$date][$currency]['expenses'] += $expenses;
$entries[$date][$currency]['fees'] += $fees;
$entries[$date][$currency]['total'] += $total;
return $entries;

So let's see what Larastan will show us here!

For this example, we'll be at level 6...

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