After repeating many examples with Laravel Facades and their fake()
method in this course chapter, I will show you one more thing. Some Laravel/PHP packages have their own implementation of faking.
Package Example
For example, a popular package Laravel Excel can be faked in the test. An example from the docs for testing Excel exporting:
/*** @test*/public function user_can_download_invoices_export(){ Excel::fake(); // [tl ~~] $this->actingAs($this->givenUser()) ->get('/invoices/download/xlsx'); Excel::assertDownloaded('filename.xlsx', function(InvoicesExport $export) { // Assert that the correct export is downloaded. return $export->collection()->contains('#2018-01'); });}
An example from the docs for testing Excel importing:
/*** @test*/public function user_can_import_users(){ Excel::fake(); $this->actingAs($this->givenUser()) ->get('/users/import/xlsx'); Excel::assertImported('filename.xlsx', 'diskName'); Excel::assertImported('filename.xlsx', 'diskName', function(UsersImport $import) { return true; }); // When passing the callback as 2nd param, the disk will be the default disk. Excel::assertImported('filename.xlsx', function(UsersImport $import) { return true; });}
There are more assertions for exporting and importing. Check the documentation.
Open-Source Example
Let's examine a real-world example from an open-source akaunting/akaunting project.
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