Top 20 Laravel People to Follow Online

Last update: August 2017 While reading Twitter feed everyday, I see more and more new people in Laravel community. At the same time there are the most active ones who deserve following and thanking for their input to the community. So I decided to list them all with links to their work - you need to know our heroes, and also interesting to dive into their past and what they had done throughout their careers. Notice: photos, if present, are from Twitter accounts. Hope I don't break any copyright here - just thought you need to know their faces :) 1. Taylor Otwell laravelpeople-taylor-otwell Need an introduction? Ok ok, creator of Laravel. Twitter: @taylorotwell Blog: LinkedIn: Random interesting link: AMA with Taylor Otwell
2. Jeffrey Way laravelpeople-jeffrey-way Creator of Laracasts - training video website admired in Laravel community and beyond. Twitter: @jeffrey_way Podcast: The Laracasts Snippet Random interesting link: AMA with Jeffrey Way
3. Matt Stauffer laravelpeople-matt-stauffer Really active Laravel blogger and co-host of Laravel Podcast Twitter: @stauffermatt Personal website & blog: LinkedIn: Another podcast: The Five-Minute Geek Show Book (in progress): Laravel: Up & Running
4. Eric L. Barnes laravelpeople-eric-barnes Creator of Laravel News blog, which recently became an official Laravel blog. Twitter: @ericlbarnes Recently launched new blog: Personal blog: LinkedIn: Laravel News Podcast:
5. Freek Van der Herten laravelpeople-freek-van-der-herten Really active blogger at Twitter: @freekmurze Laravel packages of his company Spatie: LinkedIn:
6. Dayle Rees laravelpeople-dayle-rees Author of books on Laravel - such as "Code Happy", "Code Bright" and "Code Smart" Twitter: @daylerees Personal website: Another awesome book: PHP Pandas
7. Adam Wathan laravelpeople-adam-wathan Developer, blogger, book author, host of the Full Stack Radio podcast. Twitter: @adamwathan Personal blog: Recently launched book: Refactoring to Collections LinkedIn:
8. Mahmoud Zalt laravelpeople-mahmoud-zalt Senior Web Developer, Laravel Expert, Docker Enthusiast and Open Source Advocate. Creator of LaraDock. Twitter: @Mahmoud_Zalt Personal blog:
9. Marcel Pociot laravelpeople-marcel-pociot Laravel Evangelist, creator of famous Chrome extension Laravel Testtools. Twitter: @marcelpociot Personal blog:
10. Prosper Otemuyiwa laravelpeople-prosper-otemuyiwa Really active on Twitter (73k tweets, anyone?), creator of Laravel Hackathon Starter Package. I personally admire what Prosper does for Laravel community in Nigeria. Twitter: @unicodeveloper LinkedIn: Random interesting article: How An Andela Developer Beat Out Facebook On GitHub’s Top Trending List
11. Shawn McCool laravelpeople-shawn-mccool One of the organisers of Laracon.EU, host of Dev Discussions podcast Twitter: @ShawnMcCool Personal blog: LinkedIn:
12. Dries Vints laravelpeople-dries-vints Maintainer of community, organizer of PHP Antwerp meetup Twitter: @driesvints Personal website & blog: LinkedIn:
13. Graham Campbell laravelpeople-graham-campbell Serious contributor to Laravel Core and other Laravel packages, creator of StyleCI. Twitter: @GrahamJCampbell GitHub: Personal website:
14. Barry van den Heuvel laravelpeople-barry-van-den-heuvel Creator of many awesome Laravel packages - among them famous Laravel IDE Helper and Laravel Debugbar. Twitter: @barryvdh GitHub: LinkedIn:
15. Chris Fidao laravelpeople-chris-fidao Creator of Servers for Hackers, author of a book Implementing Laravel. Really active on Twitter (like REALLY active). Twitter: @fideloper Personal blog:
16. Mohamed Said mohamed-said Official employee no.1 at Laravel, recently started blogging more about internals of the framework. Twitter: @themsaid Personal blog:
17. Paul Redmond paul-redmond Recently started contributing actively on Laravel News, also author of books Lumen programming guide and Docker for PHP Developers. Twitter: @paulredmond
18. Jason McCreary jason-mccreary Creator of Laravel version upgrade service Laravel Shift, also author of a course Getting Git. Twitter: @gonedark Personal blog:
19. Michael Dyrynda michael-dyrynda Active blogger, co-host of Laravel News Podcast and co-organizer of PHP Adelaide. Recently did a great job live-tweeting Laracon US 2017. Twitter: @michaeldyrynda Personal blog:
20. Nuno Maduro nuno-maduro Creator of Laravel Zero and active Laravel community member on Twitter. Twitter: @enunomaduro
Bonus: Povilas Korop laravelpeople-povilas-korop As a kind of a bonus, decided to nominate myself here. I'm a PHP web-developer with 15 years of experience, now transitioning from freelance to a small team owner position, while actively contributing to Laravel community on this blog and elsewhere. Personal Twitter: @PovilasKorop LinkedIn: My new publication on Medium: Successful IT Projects
That's it, the end of list. Thank you to everyone who is active in Laravel community, only people make it so awesome. Anyone I've missed? Any important link I didn't mention? Please add info to the comments.

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