The performance of our applications is one of the top things we should care about. Inefficient Eloquent or DB queries are probably no.1 reason for bad performance. In this tutorial, I will show you the top 3 mistakes developers make when it comes to Eloquent performance, and how to fix them.
Mistake 1: Too Many DB Queries
One of the biggest and most repeating mistakes is the N+1 query
issue. This is generally caused by a lot of queries to the database and not using eager loading.
Example 1: Eager Load Relationship
One of the most common example looks like this:
public function index(){ $posts = Post::all(); return view('posts.index', compact('posts'));}
And imagine you're using the Spatie Media Library package to load media files.
In the Blade file, you would use user
and media
relationships directly without preloading them:
<ul> @foreach($posts as $post) <li> {{ $post->title }} / By {{ $post->user->name }} @foreach($post->getMedia() as $media) {{ $media->getUrl() }} @endforeach </li> @endforeach</ul>
This produces a result similar to this, which contains a lot of database calls to get related users and media for a post:
To fix this, we can simply modify the controller to eager load the relationship like so:
- Change
- Add the
with(['user', 'media'])
method to load the relationships
public function index(){ $posts = Post::with(['user', 'media'])->get(); return view('posts.index', compact('posts'));}
As a result, you will see only 3 queries being executed to load all the required data for the view:
Example 2: Counting Related Models
Another common mistake...