Filament is a great admin panel system, but it often confuses users how to create a custom non-CRUD page in Filament that wouldn't be a typical Resource? This tutorial will provide an example.
The Initial Task
In this tutorial, we will create a custom Filament page with just one form. We will use a Repeater field for selecting the winners for the game.
This tutorial has three Models:
- Game
- Player
- User
This is what the DB schema looks like:
Our task is to build a custom page to pick the winner players for a particular game. So it's not a typical "Game Edit" page but something different.
It will be a Repeater with 10 dropdowns.
Important: after selecting the player in one dropdown, it should automatically be removed from all the other dropdowns.
Setup Filament Resource
We will have only one Filament Resource for Games.
use App\Models\Game;use Filament\Resources\Form;use Filament\Resources\Table;use Filament\Resources\Resource;use Filament\Tables\Columns\TextColumn;use Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput; class GameResource extends Resource{ protected static ?string $model = Game::class; public static function form(Form $form): Form { return $form ->schema([ TextInput::make('name') ->required(), ]); } public static function table(Table $table): Table { return $table ->columns([ TextColumn::make('name'), ]); } public static function getPages(): array { return [ 'index' => Pages\ListGames::route('/'), 'create' => Pages\CreateGame::route('/create'), 'edit' => Pages\EditGame::route('/{record}/edit'), ]; }}
Step 1. Empty Custom Page with a Link
So first, we need to create...