How to use Form Request in Livewire

By default, Livewire doesn’t allow to use of Form Request classes for validation. But, as with many things, there is a workaround.

Quote from Livewire Docs: You might be wondering if you can use Laravel's "FormRequest"s. Due to the nature of Livewire, hooking into the HTTP request wouldn't make sense. For now, this functionality is not possible or recommended.

Let's say we have a Post Model with two fields title and body. Both fields need to be required and string. In your Form Request add the rules:

class PostRequest extends FormRequest
public function rules(): array
return [
'title' => ['required', 'string'],
'body' => ['required', 'string'],
public function authorize(): bool
return true;

In Livewire Component you can add rules in the rules() method by returning an array. In this method, you can return the rules() method from your Form Request. Just don't forget that public properties in Livewire Component need to be the same name as in the rules.

In your component:

class PostForm extends Component
public string $title;
public string $body;
protected function rules(): array
return (new PostRequest())->rules();
public function render(): View
return view('');

Now as usual before saving you can validate the form.

class PostForm extends Component
public string $title;
public string $body;
public function save()
// ...
protected function rules(): array
return (new PostRequest())->rules();
public function render(): View
return view('');

form request in livewire component


Thank you for tutorial. Would be nice to see "real-time" validation example with a good UI/UX.


A few Livewire validation examples are in this latest course:

👍 1
سجاد اسکندریان



thank's a lot


thanks What about if i want to access title value inside body to make specific custom validation in the same PostRequest class , in general when i dump request()->title i get null how to solve this

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