To set the global Laravel language (locale), you need to use the app()->setLocale()
method. But the question is: where to put this method if you want to set the locale based on a DB field like users.language
Such global settings are often put in the AppServiceProvider
, but in this case, it wouldn't work, because you don't have access to Auth:::user()
there, you would get an error "Attempt to read property on null":
The reason is that at the time of loading the AppServiceProvider
, the session isn't initialized yet, and the User object doesn't exist.
That's why we need to use Middleware.
php artisan make:middleware SetLocale
Then, in the Middleware, you can set the locale from the $request->user()
or auth()->user()
class SetLocale{ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { if(! $request->user()) { return $next($request); } $language = $request->user()->language; if (isset($language)) { app()->setLocale($language); } return $next($request); }}
And then you have 2 options to use that Middleware:
Adding Middleware to Global Middleware Stack
// ...protected $middlewareGroups = [ 'web' => [ // ... \App\Http\Middleware\SetLocale::class, ],];
This way, the locale will be set for all routes which are in the web middleware group, which means all routes in the routes/web.php
Adding Middleware to Specific Route(s)
protected $middlewareAliases = [ // ... 'setLocale' => \App\Http\Middleware\SetLocale::class,];
And then in your routes file add it to the routes or route groups:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth', 'setLocale']], function () { // ...});
This way, only specific routes will have the locale set.
Hi there greate little post and defently usful.
I wanted to like or bookmark it in my profile for future when needed. Is there similiar functionality or are you thinking of adding one ?
I've been recommending people to use Browser bookmark feature, but since you are not the first asking for it, I guess we are "forced" to build our own "My bookmarks" :)
Adding to the to-do list.
That would be awesome @Povilas, the amount of valuable content you guys put out is amazing, and getting it lost inside a browser bookmarks is seriously a shame. I asked for this on Discord sometime back, and i recieved the same response 'browser bookmark' from one of LD team members as well.
This feature would be invaluable, and most welcomed
Nice post, thanks!