Survey: what do you use as Laravel admin-panel?

Hey guys, need your help and opinion. While working on my QuickAdmin package vision, decided to "get outside the building" and talk to people - what do you actually need? What is the pain point? Is there a problem at all? Update. Survey is now closed after 100 responses, thanks to all who participated - results will be published next week. This is my logic: since I work mostly with smaller projects 1-3 months long, most of them require a CMS or adminpanel for their clients after development is done - you cannot tell client to use Sequel Pro or phpMyAdmin, right? Some of my projects are even ONLY-adminpanel, like internal company databases or niche CRMs, see below: loan-management-system And I decided to create a boilerplate package to avoid reinventing the wheel every time - so QuickAdmin was born. And don't get me wrong - there are quite a few other packages doing similar thing, but I didn't find any of them actually easily usable - for the most of them, you need to go through dozens of configuration steps, possibly learning to use their language/syntax etc. Not cool. So ultimately I think there is a way to make our lives easier - but I need your help to formulate actual problem(s) to tackle. So please answer a question below - it's only 1 question (and a field for optional comment if you want). Thank you in advance, if you have anything to add - feel free to comment under the article or email me to Update. Survey is now closed after 100 responses, thanks to all who participated - results will be published next week.

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