Traits in Laravel Eloquent: 4 Practical Examples

PHP Traits are a powerful feature that allows you to reuse code in multiple classes without repeating yourself.

In this tutorial, I will show 4 examples of how you can use Traits in your Eloquent models.

  • Common Relationships
  • Reusable Methods
  • Extending Traits
  • Adding Listeners from Traits

Let's dive in!

Example 1: Common Relationships

Wanna have the same set of relationships on multiple models? Traits can help.

An example can be found in spatie laravel-permissions package, it has a trait called HasRoles:

* A model may have multiple roles.
public function roles(): BelongsToMany
$relation = $this->morphToMany(
if (! app(PermissionRegistrar::class)->teams) {
return $relation;
return $relation->wherePivot(app(PermissionRegistrar::class)->teamsKey, getPermissionsTeamId())
->where(function ($q) {
$teamField = config('permission.table_names.roles').'.'.app(PermissionRegistrar::class)->teamsKey;
$q->whereNull($teamField)->orWhere($teamField, getPermissionsTeamId());

This Trait has a roles() relationship. This means that the following Model, using this Trait, will have the roles() relationship, too:


use Spatie\Permission\Traits\HasRoles;
class User extends Authenticatable
use HasRoles;
// ...

And if you need this relationship on another model, you can just add the use HasRoles trait to that model as well. Sounds great, right?

Example 2: Reusable Methods

Another great use case for Traits is to have reusable methods.

Let's take a look at the HasTags trait from spatie laravel-tags package:

public function scopeWithoutTags(
Builder $query,
string | array | ArrayAccess | Tag $tags,
string $type = null
): Builder {
$tags = static::convertToTags($tags, $type);
return $query
->whereDoesntHave('tags', function (Builder $query) use ($tags) {
$tagIds = collect($tags)->pluck('id');
$query->whereIn('', $tagIds);

Reusable scopes will be available on all of your models that use the HasTags trait.

Also, that Trait has methods that attach/detach single/multiple tags:

public function attachTags(array | ArrayAccess | Tag $tags, string $type = null): static
$className = static::getTagClassName();
$tags = collect($className::findOrCreate($tags, $type));
return $this;
public function attachTag(string | Tag $tag, string | null $type = null)
return $this->attachTags([$tag], $type);
public function detachTags(array | ArrayAccess $tags, string | null $type = null): static
$tags = static::convertToTags($tags, $type);
->each(fn (Tag $tag) => $this->tags()->detach($tag));
return $this;
public function detachTag(string | Tag $tag, string | null $type = null): static
return $this->detachTags([$tag], $type);

All of those will become available on our Model as soon as we use the Trait:


use Spatie\Tags\HasTags;
class Post extends Model
use HasTags;
// ...

And now we can use those methods in our model:

$post = Post::create(['title' => 'My first post']);

How cool is that? We just stopped repeating ourselves and made our code more readable and maintainable.

As you can see, package creators often use Traits to add a common repeating functionality into our applications.

Example 3: Extending Traits

In some cases, you want to change how the trait works.

Let's take a look at the InteractsWithMedia trait from the spatie laravel-medialibrary package.

Let's take a look at the getFallbackMediaUrl() method:

public function getFallbackMediaUrl(string $collectionName = 'default', string $conversionName = ''): string
$fallbackUrls = optional($this->getMediaCollection($collectionName))->fallbackUrls;
if (in_array($conversionName, ['', 'default'], true)) {
return $fallbackUrls['default'] ?? '';
return $fallbackUrls[$conversionName] ?? $fallbackUrls['default'] ?? '';

It seems to be close to what we need but returns an empty string when no media is found. Instead, we want it to return a default image.

To solve that, we can add the method to our Post model, copy-paste its code from the pagkage and override the default behavior:


use Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia;
use Spatie\MediaLibrary\InteractsWithMedia;
class Post extends Model implements HasMedia
use InteractsWithMedia;
// ...
public function getFallbackMediaUrl(string $collectionName = 'default', string $conversionName = ''): string
$fallbackUrls = optional($this->getMediaCollection($collectionName))->fallbackUrls;
$defaultMediaUrl = "";
if (in_array($conversionName, ['', 'default'], true)) {
return $fallbackUrls['default'] ?? $defaultMediaUrl;
return $fallbackUrls[$conversionName] ?? $fallbackUrls['default'] ?? $defaultMediaUrl;

Example 4: Adding Listeners from Traits

Another use case for traits might be quickly adding common tracking methods.

For example, if you want a specific action to happen when you are deleting a model. This use case can be found in the previously mentioned spatie laravel-medialibrary

Let's find the bootInteractsWithMedia() method and see what it does:

public static function bootInteractsWithMedia()
static::deleting(function (HasMedia $model) {
if ($model->shouldDeletePreservingMedia()) {
if (in_array(SoftDeletes::class, class_uses_recursive($model))) {
if (! $model->forceDeleting) {
$model->media()->cursor()->each(fn (Media $media) => $media->delete());

It's looking for the deleting event and then deleting all media attached to the model, unless flags are set to preserve media.

This is a quick way to add a Listener to a Model without having to add it to the Model itself.

These boot methods have naming rules to be autoloaded by Laravel:

  1. Starts with boot
  2. Includes trait name in PascalCase

For example: boot + InteractsWithMedia = bootInteractsWithMedia


Traits are a great way to reuse code and make your code more readable and maintainable. You can find more examples of Traits in our section of code examples.

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