
Design Patterns in Laravel 11

Facade: in Route, DB, Gate

Summary of this lesson:
- Deep dive into Route Facade implementation
- DB Facade's unique features and destructive command protection
- Gate Facade usage across different Laravel contexts
- Understanding Laravel's Abstract Facade class and testing capabilities

Diving deep into Laravel source code reveals more patterns. In this case, we can spot a heavy usage of the Facade pattern.

Route Facade

One of the most interacted Facades - Route. We use it every day to define routes in our application:


And we don't even think about the fact that it is a Facade! Even if the use statement at the top tells us that:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

This was made into a Facade to allow us to use the Route class without creating a new instance of it:

(new Route)->get(...);

Just imagine how much more code we would have to write if we had to create a new instance of the Route class every time we wanted to define a new route.

So this is where Facades come in handy. They allow us to use the classes without creating new instances of them:


class Route extends Facade
* Get the registered name of the component.
* @return string
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'router';

And of course, in order to use the Route Facade - there is some...

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