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Read more hereThis pattern is almost a follow-up to the previous lesson on Singleton. We just took a look at Singletons in Laravel, but one thing was constantly repeating:
$this->app->singleton('auth', fn ($app) => new AuthManager($app)); $this->app->singleton('mail.manager', function ($app) { return new MailManager($app);}); $this->app->singleton('cache', function ($app) { return new CacheManager($app);});
Why are there "Manager" classes repeating? Well, this is a Manager pattern used in Laravel.
Before we dive into how the Manager pattern is used in Laravel, let's take a look at what the Manager pattern is.
The idea is to create the first class (Manager), responsible for managing the second class (Driver).
For example:
class ExportManager extends Manager{ public function getDefaultDriver() { return 'csv'; } public function createCsvDriver() { return new CsvParser(); } public function createJsonDriver() { return new JsonParser(); }}
While the Manager class comes from `Illuminate\Support\Manager' and handles driver creation, the Driver classes do the actual work.
So let's create a CsvParser
class CsvParser{ public function parse(string $path): array { $file = fopen($path, 'r'); // Do the parsing here fclose($file); return $rows; }}
Note: Our JsonParser class would be similar to this one - just with JSON parsing logic.
Now we can create a singleton for the ExportManager
$this->app->singleton('export', function ($app) { return new ExportManager($app);});
And then we can use it like this:
$export = app('export');$export->driver('csv')->parse('file.csv');
While we can still improve this code for better implementation, this is the basic idea behind the Manager pattern.
Create a Manager class to manage the Driver classes. Then, use the Manager instance to consume/call the Driver classes.
In Laravel, the manager pattern appears in a few places. One of them is...