That's it for this introduction course with Laravel. You should have an understanding of how Laravel works. Now, you need practice. You should come up with some projects for yourself, your family, or maybe some charity. And then, get deeper with the topics you work with.
With that, I can help with a step-by-step Learning Roadmap. We covered a lot of beginner level topics here. You can still repeat them and dig deeper with the links in the official documentation.
So, you can use repositories from this course and the roadmap. Your Laravel career is just at the beginning. Get to work and practice more. Watch my videos on YouTube, where I show many tips and even have some live coding videos.
Also, you can check other courses or premium tutorials.
Thank you for your free course.
Thank you for your course!
Thank you for this course. It Helps a lot
Hi Povilas, Thanks for the excellent course. I don't consider myself a complete beginner (working with Laravel for 6 years)...but everytime there is a new release, I enjoy and learn from your quick and dirty "First Project" series. I think this one struck a nicely focused balance between repeating official documentaion and a complete "cut & paste handholding." You provided succinct explanations with extractable example pseudocode to demonstrate some of Laravel's key concepts. This was a free course, but I happily subscribed to Premium last year and, so far, no regrets! Thanks.
Great intro course. Thanks! :-)
Thanks for the great course content
Thank you for the course!
Thank you for this course. Off to Youtube for more content.