
Laravel 11 Eloquent: Expert Level

Methods to Query Relationship Data

Summary of this lesson:
- Using has() and whereHas() methods
- Implementing relationship existence queries
- Understanding relationship constraints
- Managing nested relationship conditions

Now, I will show you a few tricks for querying the relationships.


For example, you have a user with many projects and want to query only those with projects. For that, eloquent has a has() method.

Before adding the has() the code to fetch and show the result:

$users = User::with('projects')->get();
foreach ($users as $user) {
print '<div><strong>' . $user->id . ': ' . $user->name . '</strong></div>';
foreach ($user->projects as $project) {
print $project->title .'... ';
print '<hr />';

And the result. As we can see, users with IDs two, five, and eight don't have projects.

Now, let's add...

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