Let's finish this course chapter about querying the data from Eloquent by reminding you that there are also raw queries.
If you have some function in your database engine like MySQL, but it's not present in Eloquent, you need specifically the functions from MySQL. Of course, you can use that in raw queries.
For example, I have ten task records in the database and want to show only one month from the created_at
In the select, you can use DB::raw()
; inside this method, use SQL functions.
use App\Models\Task;use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; $tasks = Task::select(DB::raw('id, description, MONTH(created_at) as created_month)'))->get(); foreach ($tasks as $task) { dump($task->id . ': ' . $task->description . ' - month ' . $task->created_month);}
Or, instead of using DB::raw()
, you can use...