
Structuring Databases in Laravel 11

Custom Fields for E-Shops: EAV Model

Summary of this lesson:
- Understanding EAV model
- Implementing Entity-Attribute-Value pattern
- Comparing JSON vs EAV approaches
- Performance testing different solutions

There are situations when we're not sure what the columns of the DB table would be, they need to be flexible. For example, e-shop product properties: size, color, fabric, there may be more in the future. What is the best DB structure? I will show you three options and their performance.

Option 1. Properties DB Table and EAV Model

We can define a separate DB table properties and then a Pivot table product_property with many-to-many relations, and an extra field for the value.

This DB structure implements the so-called EAV (Entity-Attribute-Value) Model.


Schema::create('product_property', function (Blueprint $table) {


class Product extends Model
public function properties()
return $this->belongsToMany(Property::class)

Then, if we want to filter the products by specific few property values (like, "Size L and color red"), we can do this.


->whereHas('properties', function($query) {
$query->where('', 'size')
->where('product_property.value', 'L');
->whereHas('properties', function($query) {
$query->where('', 'color')
->where('product_property.value', 'red');

Notice: you may skip the ::query(), I add it personally to have the well-formatted following lines of code, for better readability.

This structure gives you the flexibility to add...

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