
[NEW] Laravel Project PROCESS: From Start to Finish

Auto-Generate Texts with OpenAI API

Summary of this lesson:
- Implementing OpenAI text generation
- Using Strategy pattern for providers
- Creating text generation service
- Testing AI functionality

Our client looked at the application and asked if we could automatically generate the header and footer text.

Well, of course, we can! But the question is, which service should we use, and how should we set it up? After some research, we decided to use OpenAI API, but we give ourselves the flexibility to switch to another service if needed.

In this lesson, we will implement:

  • Add text generation with multiple provider support
  • Add buttons to generate the text

This will be done using one of the most popular design patterns - Strategy.

Note: You can learn more about patterns in our Design Patterns in Laravel 11 course.

Creating Text Generation Service

Let's start by creating an Enum to store our supported Providers:


namespace App\Enums;
enum TextGenerationProviders: string
case OPENAI = 'openai';
case CLAUDE = 'claude'; // TODO
case GEMINI = 'gemini'; // TODO

This Enum will be used in a few places:

  1. Validate the Request to make sure the provider is supported
  2. Switch between providers in the Service

Next, let's create a Service to generate the text for us. We will focus on the Strategy pattern here to automatically switch between providers:


use App\Enums\TextGenerationProviders;
use Exception;
class TextGenerationService
public function getHeader(int $userId, string $provider): string
return match ($provider) {
TextGenerationProviders::OPENAI->value => (new OpenAi)->getHeader($userId),
default => throw new Exception('Provider not supported'),
public function getFooter(int $userId, string $provider): string
return match ($provider) {
TextGenerationProviders::OPENAI->value => (new OpenAi)->getFooter($userId),
default => throw new Exception('Provider not supported'),

Of course, this Manager can't work without the Interface and the first implementation of the Provider:


namespace App\Services\TextGeneration;
interface TextGenerator
public function getHeader(int $userId): string;
public function getFooter(int $userId): string;

Each of our different Generators will implement this Interface. Let's start with OpenAI:

Getting OpenAI to Work

First, we need to clarify our workflow with OpenAI. The goal here is to generate an email header and footer based on...

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