
[NEW] Laravel Project PROCESS: From Start to Finish

Client Reported a Bug: PROPER Way to Fix

Summary of this lesson:
- Creating GitHub issue for bug tracking
- Using bugfix branch instead of feature branch
- Writing test to prevent future regressions
- Following complete bug fix workflow

We are in the second phase of the project. The client has reviewed the first features and provided some feedback.

The first thing they noticed was that there's no pagination on the Links table:

So that's the first bug we need to fix! In this lesson, we will focus on the process of fixing a bug:

  • GitHub issue
  • Branch for fixing the bug
  • Automated test for that bug's case
  • PR and merge

So, let's begin fixing!

GitHub Issue & Branch

Of course, we created a new issue for that in our GitHub:

Then, we create a new branch for this bug:

git checkout -b bugfix/link-pagination

Note that the prefix for the branch is different: not a feature/***** but bugfix/*****. With that, the purpose of that branch gets clearer for everyone, including those teammates who don't even know about that bug.

Code: Adding Pagination

The fix for this bug is simple - we need to add...

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