
Roles and Permissions in Laravel 11

Clinic Owner: Switching Between Teams

Summary of this lesson:
- Adding team selection to user registration
- Setting up team-aware middleware
- Implementing default role assignment
- Managing user-team relationships

The final feature related to the Teams is for the Clinic Owner to choose the current team if they have multiple clinics.

This choice will be visible in the top-right corner of the Laravel Breeze design, like this:

Now, the code.

First, the permission of WHO can change the team? We add a method to the Policy:


class TeamPolicy
// ...
public function changeTeam(User $user): bool
return $user->hasPermissionTo(Permission::SWITCH_TEAM);

Next is the Controller method, where we will use that changeTeam immediately. We will add that method into the same TeamController:


use App\Enums\Role;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
class TeamController extends Controller
public function changeCurrentTeam(int $teamId)
Gate::authorize('changeTeam', Team::class);
$team = auth()->user()->teams()->findOrFail($teamId);
if (! auth()->user()->belongsToTeam($team)) {
// Change team
auth()->user()->update(['current_team_id' => $team->id]);
return redirect(route('dashboard'), Response::HTTP_SEE_OTHER);

Next, we add the Route for that method.


Route::middleware('auth')->group(function () {
Route::resource('teams', TeamController::class)->only(['index', 'create', 'store']);
[TeamController::class, 'changeCurrentTeam'])

Finally, the front-end link to that Route. We just mimic the front-end code of the Profile dropdown...

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