
Vue Laravel 12 Starter Kit: CRUD Project

Edit Form and Breadcrumbs

Summary of this lesson:
- Adding "Edit" button to tasks table
- Building task editing form with checkbox for completion status
- Implementing form submission with proper error handling
- Adding breadcrumbs for improved navigation

Now, let's build the page to edit the task. It will be structurally similar to the Create form but with a few differences.

Also, at the end of this lesson, we will add breadcrumbs above the table.

Table: Link to Edit Route

We need to add the "Edit" button to the table.

<TableRow v-for="task in tasks" :key="">
<TableCell>{{ }}</TableCell>
<TableCell :class="{ 'text-green-600': task.is_completed, 'text-red-700': !task.is_completed }">
{{ task.is_completed ? 'Completed' : 'In Progress' }}
<TableCell class="text-right">// [tl! --]
<TableCell class="flex gap-x-2 text-right">// [tl! ++]
<Link :class="buttonVariants({ variant: 'default' })" :href="`/tasks/${}/edit`">Edit </Link>// [tl! ++]
<Button variant="destructive" @click="deleteTask(" class="mr-2">Delete </Button>

Here's the visual result:

Edit Page: Vue Component

The previous code snippet above shows the URL /tasks/${}/edit. This corresponds to the Controller method edit(), which uses...

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