
Vue Laravel 12 Starter Kit: CRUD Project

Shadcn Vue Table: Tasks List

Summary of this lesson:
- Set up Shadcn Vue UI table component with npx command
- Create TypeScript interface for Task data model
- Display tasks with conditional styling for completion status

In the following lessons, we will fill our "Tasks" page with the full CRUD. Let's start with a table.

Table Component from Shadcn

Let's show the table of tasks. Remember, we had seeded it into the database previously:

Vue starter kit uses a Vue+Tailwind Shadcn UI library so you don't need to install it, it comes already pre-configured.

Generally, using Shadcn components is very easy:

  1. Install the component with npx
  2. Import it on top of your Vue file
  3. Use it inside your...

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