
Vue Laravel 12 Starter Kit: CRUD Project

Table Pagination with ShadCN Pagination Component

Summary of this lesson:
- Implementing Laravel pagination
- Creating a TypeScript interface for paginated response data
- Building reusable TablePagination component with Shadcn Vue Pagination component
- Adding advanced pagination with numbered page navigation

In this lesson, we will add pagination to our table. It won't be an easy one-minute process.

Modifying Controller for Pagination


// ...
public function index()
return Inertia::render('Tasks/Index', [
'tasks' => Task::all()
'tasks' => Task::paginate(5)
// ...

Now, our Task List page will stop working because of a TypeScript structure mismatch. We return paginate() from Controller, which is no longer the array of the Task type. Let's fix this.

Creating Paginated Response Type

We return tasks from the Controller not as a list but as a paginated object.

So, we need to create a specific new type for it, corresponding to the structure returned by...

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