
Livewire 3 for Beginners with Laravel 12 Starter Kit

CRUD: Delete Task

Summary of this lesson:
- Adding delete method in Livewire component
- Using `wire:click` with confirmation for deletion
- Creating Blade component for success notifications
- Displaying alert after successful task deletion

In this lesson, let's add the Delete button to our table.

Delete Button

In the Livewire component we need a method which will be called when the delete button will be clicked. In this method we will accept tasks ID as a parameter.


class Index extends Component
use WithPagination;
public function delete(int $id): void
Task::where('id', $id)->delete();
session()->flash('success', 'Task successfully deleted.');
public function render(): View
return view('livewire.tasks.index', [
'tasks' => Task::paginate(3),

Besides using the wire:click Blade directive to call the delete() method, we will use the wire:confirm Blade directive to require the user to confirm the deletion first.



<flux:button variant="danger" type="button">{{ __('Delete') }}</flux:button>


<flux:button wire:confirm="Are you sure?" wire:click="delete({{ $task->id }})" variant="danger" type="button">{{ __('Delete') }}</flux:button>

Notice: In this course, we're adding custom Tailwind CSS classes to various components. I don't explicitly emphasize this, but it's pretty important: you must be good with Tailwind to customize the design to your needs.

If we click that Delete button, it will...

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