In this tutorial, we will improve the posts table by adding the sorting feature.
Back-end: Sorting in Laravel
We will start from the back-end.
class PostController extends Controller{ public function index() { $orderColumn = request('order_column', 'created_at'); $orderDirection = request('order_direction', 'desc'); $posts = Post::with('category') ->when(request('category'), function (Builder $query) { $query->where('category_id', request('category')); }) ->orderBy($orderColumn, $orderDirection) ->paginate(10); return PostResource::collection($posts); }}
We will pass the order_column
and order_direction
as parameters from the URL. The default values will be "created_at" and "desc".
Now we need to add validation for security reasons, to check if those parameters have valid values.
class PostController extends Controller{ public function index() { $orderColumn = request('order_column', 'created_at'); if (! in_array($orderColumn, ['id', 'title', 'created_at'])) { $orderColumn = 'created_at'; } $orderDirection = request('order_direction', 'desc'); if (! in_array($orderDirection, ['asc', 'desc'])) { $orderDirection = 'desc'; } $posts = Post::with('category') ->when(request('category'), function (Builder $query) { $query->where('category_id', request('category')); }) ->orderBy($orderColumn, $orderDirection) ->paginate(10); return PostResource::collection($posts); }}
Composable Parameters and Vue Variables
Now, similarly as we did with the category, we need to...