Now when we create a new post or edit a post, there are no notifications about successful action. In this lesson, we will add a notification using sweetalert2.
To add sweetalert notifications, we will use a package avil13/vue-sweetalert2. First, let's install it.
npm install -S vue-sweetalert2
Next, we need to import styles and import/use the plugin in the main app.js
@import 'sweetalert2/dist/sweetalert2.min.css'; @tailwind base;@tailwind components;@tailwind utilities;
import './bootstrap'; import { createApp } from 'vue'import App from './layouts/App.vue' import router from './routes/index'import VueSweetalert2 from 'vue-sweetalert2'; createApp(App) .use(router) .use(VueSweetalert2) .mount('#app')
Now we need to call sweetalert in the posts Composable, after a successful...